About the 10in5 Program Pipeline

Validating & Launching Your Business Idea

EDIT focuses on supporting community members in launching business endeavors with social missions. Throughout their participation, cohort participants will be matched with industry partners who will serve as mentors as well as computer science graduate students who will support the technical development of products.

Monetizing Your Business Idea

The IP2MKT initiative seeks to tap the trillions of dollars of underutilized patented technologies developed by Federal Labs, universities, and industry to foster economic development in South Florida and beyond. Modeled after insights gained from the Military-Industrial complex during the Cold War era, Silicon Valley, and inclusive economic development strategies, the mission of FIU’s IP2MKT Initiative is to inclusively grow South Florida’s innovation economy and beyond.

Leading & Scaling Your Business

The CEO Training program provides six months of comprehensive coaching to develop authentic leadership and to overcome individual challenges and blind spots. The CEO Training partnering with Torch Leadership Labs in order to invest in your leadership development. Torch combines 1:1 executive coaching with a technical platform to facilitate a 360 review, personalized goals development, and ongoing coaching sessions to best help you grow.